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Chick Embryo Extract (CEE)


Product Description

Chick Embryo Extract (CEE) is a cell culture medium component, used in the supplementation of certain growth media formulations. Save time and money by purchasing a quality-assured product that can be supplied in one of two formulations – lyophilised or frozen liquid.


Successful in vitro cultivation of rat neural crest stem cells (NCSC) and other neural explants requires a specific neural crest stem cell medium (NCSCM). Supplementation with CEE provides a source of essential growth factors.

In addition, CEE has successfully been used in the expansion of many specific stem cell types and has demonstrated the ability to facilitate DNA demethylation. Further examples of how CEE has been used in research applications can be found under ‘Literature’.


CEE is produced from chick embryos, species Bovans Goldline. Eggs are collected from registered flocks found to be free from clinical signs of notifiable disease. The material is then processed, filtered to 0.2 micron and aseptically filled into bottles. This product is typically prepared with the addition of antibiotics – Penicillin, Streptomycin and Amphoterecin.

Batch testing

LSP offer samples of CEE for testing prior to selection of a suitable batch. Typical sample size is 10 mL and reservations are held for a period of four weeks, pending evaluation.


CEE undergoes stringent Quality Assurance Tested to ensure that the product is negative for bacteria, yeast and fungi. Extracts are tested by assaying the growth and the differentiation of mouse muscle cells. Complete results are reported on the Certificate of Analysis supplied with each batch.

Additional Treatment

CEE is also available as an ultra-filtrate or may be supplied without the addition of antibiotic/antimycotic.

Shelf life

CEE has a shelf-life of 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Storage & Handling

Recommended storage is -20°C or below. Lyophilised product may be stored at +4°C.


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